Evaluation interview topic guide

Follow-up Interviews Dec 2011

individual topic guide

1) The writing group was one of the experiences of your life. What can you say about this?
[This story would ideally include How relevant was the wg for you? Where ‘relevant’ = related to issues that are important to you.]

2) Did your view of yourself stay the same since the writing group, or has it changed? [In which way(s)?]

3) Do you consider your writing skills to have been changed in any way? In which way(s)?

4) Did your participation in the group have an impact on anything else besides your writing skills? If yes, on what?

5) Do you consider your verbal communication [speaking] skills to have been changed in any way? In which way(s)?

6) Do you consider your thinking skills [thinking] to have been changed in any way? In which way(s)?

7) Do you consider your feelings and the way you express them to have been changed in any way? In which way(s)? [specifically: was it easy or difficult to express feelings – in speaking and writing - before the group and is it the same now or not?]

8) Do you consider the way you address yourself in internal dialogue [speak to yourself in your head] to have been changed in any way? In which way(s)?

9) Has anything changed in the way you communicate with others outside of the group members? In which way(s)?

10) Has anything changed in your physical experiences:
v breathing
v using your senses: sight, hearing/listening, touch, smell, taste, balance, orientation.
v posture, movement
v handling discomfort or pain
v expressive gestures, showing emotion
v [anything else…]
In which way(s)?

11) To which aspects of the writing group do you ascribe any of the changes you’ve noticed in yourself, if at all?
   aspects of group process: which?
   aspects of individual feedback received from the facilitator. Specifically…?
   aspects of your own writing of exercises during the group. Specifically…?

12) Has anything changed in the way you (re)view your personal past, present and future? If so, what specifically?

13) Has anything changed in your behaviour, in dealing with life, in what you do or how you do things since the group?

14) Please state anything about the writing group and its facilitation that you did not like, did not agree with, or felt as harmful or obstructive.  This is important too!
What could have improved the experience for you?
Was there anything you had hoped for that did not happen?

15) How is it different to talk on your own about the group now, after 6 months, compared to the group evaluation at the last session?

16) Is there anything else you’d like to add?

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